Press Release for European Utility Week 2017

METERS AND MORE to speak at European Utility Week 2017

Visit the Meters and More Booth 1H57 to learn much more about the Association and the prototype of the METERS AND MORE smart energy “Gateway”.

BRUSSELS, BELGIUM, September 25, 2017 –METERS AND MORE AISBL, the global, non-profit, Association that maintains and promotes the most widely deployed communication protocol for smart metering, today announced that Meters and More representatives will be speaking at the upcoming European Utility Week (EUW 2017), taking place 3-5 October, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

EUW 2017 is the premier platform for utility stakeholders in Europe, focusing on regional and global developments in metering and transmission and distribution technologies.

The Meters and More smart metering information and telecommunication protocol has been extensively rolled out in Europe and in Latin America where 50 million of Meters and More smart meters have already been installed. The success of these implementations brings many advantages for customers through the new smart meters that use the Meters and More technology.

In the Summit Session, the Chairman of Meters and More, Mr. Michele Salaris, will explain how Meters and More is committed to enable consumer awareness by delivering technology evolution, which enables new services that allow the customers to optimize energy consumption and stimulate forms of participation, thus responding to the challenges of electrical systems such as increased efficiency and reliability of infrastructure and investment planning.

In the Hub Session “The Customer behind the Meter”, Mr. Alessandro Bertani (CESI, Meters and More Director) and Mr. Leonardo Cavalieri (Meters and More representative of MAC) will be speaking about the Meters and More Gateway, the solution to enable value-added services.

The focus of the presentation, in line with the session’s topic is that in fact, behind the meter there is a customer who is demanding information, services, efficiency… Previously, the meter was simply a metering device that served the utility for billing purposes. Nowadays, the smart meters has become an active part of the Smart Grid and have changed the two-sides relation utility-meter, to introduce a third element, utility-meter-customer, that must be the center of the new conception of smart metering.

To understand the benefits of this technology for electricity consumers across Europe, Meters and More invites you to visit them at their exhibition booth and talk to one of the experts that are available to walk you thought the Meters and More technology.

Event Details:
When: October 5th , 2017
Time: (from 9.30 -12.40 a.m)
Presentation name: “Meters and more vision to enable new models in energy market”
Who: Michele Salaris (Meters and More, Chairman of Board of Directors)

Event Details:
When: October 4th ,2017
Time: (from 2-6 p.m)
Presentation name: “Meters and More Gateway: Customer Interface to Value Added Service”
Who: Alessandro Bertani (CESI, Meters and More Director) and Leonardo Cavalieri (Meters and More , representative of MAC )

For more information on Meters and More participation in EUW 2017, please click here. For information on Meters and More technology, please visit:

For more information or to schedule an interview please contact Claire Volkwyn, or call or WhatsApp +27828591753


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