In 2010 E-distribuzione SpA and Endesa Distribución SA, took a major step forward in the implementation of global smart meter solutions with the constitution of the international non-profit association Meters and More based in Brussels under Belgian legislation.

The Association operates and promotes a generation of open communication protocols building the technical specifications on top of Enel’s Telegestore project, the first AMI full deployment in operation since 2002 for over 30 million customers in Italy.

The protocol enables bidirectional data transfer between smart meters and central billing systems in an Advanced Smart Metering environment. The Meters and More initiative is a concrete step aimed at implementing the EU Commission Mandate 441 to provide standard pan-European Smart Metering solutions.

The Association has further contributed to standard protocol specifications being the foundation of a Chain2 communication channel between the fiscal meter and the final customer available on the second generation of smart meters in Italy and Spain.